April 25, 2024

If there was ever a picture of “I wish this knacker would STFU,” it would be a picture of Snoop Dogg.

When the Gayle King interview with Lisa Leslie hit the social media-verse, it became clear from the jump that a lot of people would not agree with Gayle’s line of questioning about Kobe Bryant’s past rape allegation. From then, a semi firestorm erupted. But this firestorm was nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone on social media tends to overreact. This slight overreaction came attached with a few funny memes, including memes making fun of Gayle’s wig, which looked like it was fresh out of the Tyler Perry Studios Cosmetology School of Wigs and Witchcraft.

A few overreactions and a few funny memes. Seemed simple enough, right? Well, it was, until Snoop Dogg had to mosey his Skeletor from He-Man with a hair wrap looking ass into the conversation.

We made this same “TF you want” look when Snoop entered the fray.

Snoop Dogg is the Drug Dealer Uncle who never went to jail because he wasn’t very successful at dealing drugs simply due to him eventually using the drugs. After several stints in rehab, he comes to the house for Thanksgiving, and you can tell he’s back using almost immediately when he starts spewing hateful nonsense at the dinner table, followed by your kids asking, “What’s wrong with Uncle Snoop?” And you got to lie by replying, “Oh, he didn’t take his medicine. Now sit down and eat before your food gets cold.”

After Snoop Dogg called Gayle King a “Funky Dog Head B*tch,” we basically had to tell our kids to go sit down and eat before their food gets cold.

And of course by calling her one of the most misogynistic names I can personally think of, Calvin Broadus and the online minions who agreed with this dumbass aka the misogyn-ets, fucked up a harmless disagreement with petty memes embedded in that disagreement. Believe it or not, there are those who genuinely and respectfully disagreed with how Gayle King approached the interview. In the interview clip, that was posted by CBS as click/watch bait, Gayle King questioned Lisa Leslie, a very good friend of Kobe Bryant and a basketball legend in her own right, about Kobe’s past rape allegation in 2004. When Lisa Leslie responded to Gayle’s first attempt to bring up Kobe’s rape allegation, she spoke from a personal view point, stating that, “he was never like that.”

Now, people, including Gayle in the clip, would argue that Lisa Leslie, even though she was a great friend and like a sister to Kobe, would never truly know what “Kobe was like” at all times, because as his friend, she wouldn’t be privy to that other side of Kobe. And that is true. This response doesn’t really answer anything, but it does get to the heart of who Kobe was to Lisa Leslie. And from Gayle’s point of view, considering that she is interviewing Lisa Leslie, that would seem to be enough, but she dug in. And even when Gayle made the follow up statements after Lisa Leslie answered the original question, Gayle looked uncomfortable, almost as if she didn’t want to talk about it, herself. Maybe it was the direction of the network to keep digging into the rape allegation, hence why that is the clip they decided to highlight. But from my perspective, there was little justification to bring up such a sensitive issue with a close and personal friend of Kobe’s, especially Lisa Leslie, who was like a sister to Kobe. Why? What did she expect to get out of her? It seemed like Gayle (Again, maybe through the direction of the network) was searching for a #MeToo hardball while interviewing a woman.

But I also understand that this was a journalist interviewing a person. And Gayle King is one of the greatest journalist alive, today. So, should we really expect a journalist not to, well, journalist? But again, why are we so upset? Gayle has been apologetic and stated that the clip CBS posted was “salacious” and “out of context.”

Whether you agree with Gayle’s line of questioning or not, it gives you no right to spew hateful ass language at a black woman on the white man’s internet. The audacity some of you knackers, especially Snoop Dogg, is laughable. Here is Snoop Dogg, who has glorified the profession of actual pimping for as long as I can remember, decided to enter the fray, as he continuously attempts to stay relevant.

I mean, when is the last time you heard, “Yo, put on that new Snoop.”

Snoop Dogg continued his desire to stay relevant with a handful of hateful follow up posts, including a “Free Bill Cosby” posts. Now, I didn’t know Kobe. I never got the opportunity to meet him, let alone hang out with him or have a conversation with him, but I am 100% sure when he was seconds away from crossing over White Jesus, he stumbled and lost the ball after being alerted that Snoop Dogg called to free Bill Cosby in his honor. And after that, well of course the misogyn-ets and the rape apologists continued their “Free Bill Cosby” campaign. A campaign that was going through rigor mortis until Snoop Dogg revived it back to life.

Bill fucking Cosby..

When Bill Cosby enters the chat, that’s how you know it’s about to be a bad day for everyone involved. Luckily for us, Susan Rice brought some balance to the force.

Some of you knackers are more upset at Gayle King than the white woman who called these knackers, knackers.

And this concludes my Petty Ted Talk.

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Leslie McLemore writes about a lot of different shit for Black With No Chaser. He is also the Takeaway Kang and is the father of two beautiful girls, one of which gets on every nerve he has. The other one is sweet. So, you know, balance. 

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2 thoughts on “Snoop Dogg And The Misogyn-ets Who Agree With Him F*cked It Up For Everybody

  1. Wow, ok is it okay if I call you one?
    Oh okay, you miserable bitch ass coon.

    So it’s perfectly fine to dismiss the actual issue because your bum ass think that people are upset at Gayle King for tarnishing Kobe’s name and legacy even in his death, you don’t see the pattern here do you?


    Oprah had no issues with making a documentary about Michael Jackson and she caught backlash for that, she also had no issues cashing that check either but your punk ass turned a blind eye to that.

    Your blackness is being revoked from here on out, for doing exactly what Gayle did.

    Tried to say she didn’t do, she didn’t take accountability for her words she put the blame on the Network, SHE has the right as a JOURNALIST TO NOT ASK QUESTIONS she doesn’t feel comfortable asking you fucking idiot and you think because she’s black she deserves a pass??

    Why the fuck do y’all need clarification 17 years after the fact, she asked Lisa a question and then DOUBTED her answer as if it was a debate… GAYLE NEVER TRIED TO TALK TO KOBE A DAY IN HER LIFE and all of sudden we’re supposed to forgive because she’s Oprah friend?

    Boy you let Oprah’s fake ass tears win you over you weak ass nigga, I know FOR a fact REAL WOMEN will disagree with this WHOLE article you’re a coward

    You do realize all those WHITE women waited 30 years to come forth on Bill Cosby, those women also admitted to taking drugs, I’m not condoning sexual abuse, rape, but it’s just fucked up how DONALD TRUMP HAS A MASS AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE AGAINST HIM FOR SEXUAL ASSAULT ON CHILDREN AND WOMEN and he isn’t in jail 🤔

    Why wasn’t Oprah or Gayle questioning ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO WERE CONVICTED OF SUCH SEXUAL ABUSE CRIMES? Harvey Weinstein, Jeffery Epstein, etc WHITE MEN, but they SHAME people of the same color, and YOU’RE DOING THE SAME YOU WEAK ASS COON.

    This “misogynistic” bullshit is being thrown around BY A BILLIONARE AND HER JOURNALIST FRIEND, YOU’RE NOT EVEN A REAL JOURNSLIST EITHER you’re some fuck boy ass blogger coon.


  2. It’s easy to understand why people are more upset with Gayle King than the newscaster, the news reporter is white it is expected for them to put down our people. But when you’re a prominent known person for the community and you wait until the death of a legend instead of the 17 years in between to mention his “rape allegations” you’re a terrible representative of the black community. Also one of the prime examples of why black men have less respect for black women, because obviously it doesn’t take much for y’all to throw a black man under the bus. I don’t remember Oprah or Gayle doing exposés or interviews against Harvey Weinstein or any of the Caucasian men accused of rape and or sexual misconduct. When you are viewed as a prominent voice and leader of the black community and you use your platform to attack a deceased man you are a garbage human and not worthy of the oxygen you continue to breath.

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