April 25, 2024

Speak Your Mind!

Are you a writer or simply someone with something to say about relationships, social issues, news, tech, business, entertainment, culture, travel, or any other aspect of black life, black love or black thoughts? Submit your Writing!

Photo by Cyton Photography

Black With No Chaser is a solution-oriented multimedia roundtable guided by unapologetic and unfiltered minds that THINK BLACK and LIVE BLACK. Our goals are to document the all-encompassing Black experience, Advocate for black people in marginalized spaces, impact communities through innovation, growth and development both in the United States, and throughout the entire African diaspora by building, sustaining, and protecting a safe platform for Black voices to be heard and understood.

We have created this space to give our people both a powerful platform and the space to have their unpoliced black voices amplified. Here is the opportunity to unapologetically share your voice through stories and op-eds on our platform with over 2 million engaged weekly followers and readers across multiple platforms and continents.

SPEAK YOUR MIND is where you can come to share your thoughts and opinions with the audience through our very simple submissions process.

  1. Log in to WordPress by clicking the hyperlink.
  2. WordPress will route you to the WordPress Login Page but may not reroute you back to the Speak Your Mind Tab
  3. Come Back to the Black With No Chaser Speak Your Mind Tab
  4. Fill out each field in Speak Your Mind
  5. Submit your original, unpublished content (If previously published elsewhere the editorial board will be unable to use it for publication in Black With No Chaser)
  6. Select an image that is landscape and at least 1000 pixels (px) in width for featured image
  7. After carefully filling out every field to your desired liking, click the submit button and our Editorial Board Will receive it and review it for Publication.
  8. Thank You for your Submission!


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