Stop Calling This F*ck Face a Vigilante, He’s a Terrorist

A vigilante implies that he’s Batman, or something.

A 17-year-old Illinois resident fuck face, Kyle “Fuck Face” Rittenhouse, who has a very fuck face last name to match his fuck face, face, has been arrested and is expected to be charged with first-degree murder after a shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, that resulted in two people dead and one person injured.

The video footage, which is absolutely astonishing and is the apex of American White Privilege, showed the fuck face gunman carrying a semi-automatic rifle as he opened fire in the middle of the street, fatally shooting two people.

The protests turned violent on Tuesday evening as people gathered in honor of Jacob Blake, who was shot by police eight times on Sunday. Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth later condemned armed “vigilantes” (He meant to say Terrorists) attempting to deputies for police officers in response to the protests.

As I’m sure many of us are already aware, Kenosha Wisconsin Police Department shot unarmed black man Jacob Blake, while he was only attempting to break up a dispute. In the video, you can see the police officer holding Blake’s shirt as he fires multiple rounds at him. Jacob Blake, who was shot 7 times in the back and once in the arm while walking back to his car, underwent surgery Tuesday afternoon and his family says he is now paralyzed from the waist down. 

“In the vehicle he did not have a weapon,” attorney Patrick Salvi Jr. said Wednesday. “I can’t speak directly to what he owned, but what I can say is his three children were in the car and that was in the front of his mind. That is the most important thing to him in his life: his family and his children.”

Following the shootings, the 17 year old, later identified as “Fuck Face,” could be seen on video approaching police vehicles still holding his rifle and with his hands raised as police cars drove past him ignoring shouts from bystanders that he was the shooter.

Kyle “Fuck Face” Rittenhouse was wearing gloves, but no mask, which may indicate that he went out with the mindset that he was going to be firing his assault rifle that night, and was not trying to leave any prints when he shot protesters at the Jacob Blake protests in Kenosha.

Terrorism, according to the FBI, means:

1.) Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;

2.) Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and

3.) Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.

As most of us know, the words “AND” and “OR” are very important in ANY law. In order to establish this law was violated, as a whole, one must hit all 3 criteria’s contained within this law. However, the criteria’s that must be met in number two contains an “OR”, meaning that you must only accomplish one of the criteria’s to satisfy number two.   

1.) Were the acts dangerous to human life that violates federal or state law?

Umm, yes.

2.) Did “Fuck Face’s” actions intend (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping? 

Yes to at least two out three of the prongs, and remember, we only need one.

3.) Did this occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S? 


So now that we have all that covered, will he be labeled as a terrorist OR does his Caucasian skin tone spam block the terrorist label?

Leslie McLemore writes about a lot of different shit for Black With No Chaser. He is also the Takeaway Kang and is the father of two beautiful girls, one of which gets on every nerve he has. The other one is sweet. So, you know, balance. 

Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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